My KiSS Dolls
You might be wondering what exactly KiSS dolls are. Well (in short) the are like paper dolls except for your computer. I like adding sound and animations to most of my dolls, it makes them more interesting.
You can download most of these dolls by clicking here.
This is my first ever KiSS doll. It's of Sailor Chibi-Chibi (duh). She is only available on this page and
Little Saturn's Sailormoon page. I'd like to keep it that way so please don't put her on your web page. She's also my smallest doll (ie. not animations and few clothes) but she's still cute.
This is my second doll, Sailor Saturn. You can download here from the link at the top of this page. I think this was a good attempt for my second doll, but she should have had more clothes.
This is my 3rd doll, Sailor Mars
(do you see a pattern emerging?). I'm very proud of her. She has a lot of clothes and some cool animations with sounds (mind you the animations could have worked out better). My sister helped me with the clothes in this one. You can download her from the link at the top of this page.This another Sailor Saturn doll I made. She was made for the Sailor Saturn Fan club, but I'm not sure they know she exists. Anyway, she has some really good animations and backgrounds but I think I may make an expansion set to go with her since I'm not happy with the clothes she has. You can get her from the link above.
This is
(in my opinion) my all time best doll. She has cool animations, a lot of different outfits and backgrounds and she has 12 different hairstyles to chose from! You can also get her from the link above.
I'll be making more dolls soon (I'm working on a few right now) I think the next on will be Non-Sailor Moon related.